Fellowship starts again with coffee and pastries in the chapel at 10:15am and then again after the 11:00am service.
Liturgists serve an important role in worship. Liturgists help lead the congregation in various parts of the worship service, including the recitation of the Call to Worship and the reading of scripture. This valuable service allows the congregation to take an active part in the worship service and it allows participants in worship to hear multiple voices speak from the pulpit. If you are interested in being a Lay Leader or a Liturgist for an upcoming Sunday worship service, please contact the church office at CalvaryPgh@gmail.com or see Lynn Sevick.
Our Annual Plant Sale is in full bloom now through April 18. The plants will be delivered this year on Thursday May 26, 2022 and can be picked up on both Thursday, May 26 and Friday, May 27 from 1:00pm-6:00pm. Flyers are available now at the Allegheny Avenue entrance. For questions, contact Kim Butlerat kimabutler4@gmail.com or Linda Ehrlich at laehrlich927@aol.com.
More InfoYou are now able to support Calvary when you shop online at Amazon. Amazon now donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know - same products, same prices, same service. Get started by going to smile.amazon.com then select “Calvary United Methodist Church” as your charity.
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