Children's Music Group

Children's Music Group

This group is currently on break. Stay tuned to find out when our new schedule begins.

Rehearsals - Tuesday Evenings from 5:00-6:00pm in the Calvary Chapel

The program will be 1 hour per week. The children will learn general music, recorder, hand chimes, and voice. The program is open to all elementary grades. We are planning to send a mailer to all previous VBS attendees as well as neighborhood children.

You can register by clicking the button below and completing the form, or you can also register by contacting the church office, or by contacting Calvary's Music Director Brian Burns.


Ringing Bells Makes Kids Smarter (and Nicer too)

Studying an instrument is an important part of children's physical, social, and religious development. Forming a children’s choir in your church or community can lead to a lifetime of benefits, whether you use handbells, handchimes, KidsPlay bells, or our brand new Uchida bells.

As children learn music, especially an instrument that requires both hands like bells or chimes, they see multiple benefits. Using both hands as they ring helps to develop better fine and gross motor skills. Learning to play an instrument has also been proven to open new pathways in their brains. These improvements in how the brain develops allows the brain to work harder and can also improve spatial-temporal tasks, like putting together puzzles, playing with blocks or Legos, problem solving, and painting.

Studying music from an early age has proven to be beneficial in almost every aspect of a child's life. Learning to read and understand music and it's underlying theory facilitates learning of many other subjects. For example, music is shown to lead to language development and increase verbal recall. Competence in language is the root of social competence. As they develop higher language and social skills, children become well rounded and benefit from the intrinsic benefits of learning music. They become disciplined, learn a skill, become part of a community they can be proud of, manage performance and the related anxiety, and learn interpersonal skills like cooperation, sharing, and compromise. These increased social skills can make them better members of their church and community. Performing in a church or community choir gives children the opportunity to serve others instead of being served. It also opens them up to increased leadership opportunities; and in a church environment can lead to a deeper knowledge of scripture as they perform religious tunes and hymns. These opportunities will stay with them as they grow into adulthood and become fully incorporated members of their church and community. "Citing Sources." Ringing Bells Makes Kids Smarter (and Nicer too). Retrieved 3 May 2016 from