Calvary United Methodist Church is located in the North Side at 971 Beech Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233. We are at the corner of Allegheny Avenue and Beech Avenue, just a short walk from Heinz Field and the campus of Allegheny Community College.
Every Sunday morning in the sanctuary at 11:00 AM.
If you are visiting for the first time, you will not be asked to stand up or to wear a red ribbon, but you may be greeted and welcomed by any number of our church family during the Community Greeting part of our service. Upon entering the sanctuary you will be greeted and handed a bulletin that will give you all the information you will need to participate in the worship service. It will also include our weekly announcements and upcoming events. You may also request a large print hymnal from a greeter at this time. There are Visitor Cards in the backs of the pews that we ask you to fill out if like so that we can get to know you better and help you get the most out of your experience with Calvary. We have a worship service mixed with both contemporary and traditional elements.
Single? Married? Divorced? Old? Young? Gay? Straight? Rich? Poor?Black/White/Hispanic/Asian/etc...? So are we! You’ll fit right in.
We practice open communion. You do not need to be a member of Calvary, or any church, to participate. Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month. We use the form of intinction in which you choose a piece of bread and dip it in the juice and consume the body and blood. Certain times of the year this format changes, but directions are given at the individual services. If you need to be served in the pew, we are glad to come to you. Gluten-free bread is given so that all can partake.
Calvary offers Sunday School classes for children ages 3 - 10. Every Sunday our children are provided time during the worship service to interact with the pastor and hear first hand one of the faith lessons of the day.
We have no dress code! Suits or jeans, wear whatever you feel comfortable in as you worship God.
Our historic church building (including the sanctuary, fellowship hall, and the restrooms) is accessible to those with wheelchairs or walkers. There is an elevator to take you to the basement level. The handicapped accessible restroom is located on the main floor near the kitchen. Our accessible ramp is situated in the parking lot, accessible via Dounton Way.
There are several entrances to the church, some are used regularly, some only during special events, and some are closed permanently. Which entrance to use depends on the day and also on the weather.
A New Member Orientation is held every few months before Sunday Worship. It is announced in the bulletin and on the website a few weeks in advance. New members are officially welcomed into the church the following Sunday.
No need to worry about knowing what to do—we provide guides in the bulletin and on the media screen throughout the service. We won’t embarrass you by calling you out as a visitor or asking you to introduce yourself. Nametags are available to help us get to know you, and you might even sit near another first-time guest. Our goal is for you to have a positive, welcoming experience and feel like part of the family, with many saying coming here feels like "coming home."
Calvary United Methodist Church
971 Beech Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233
412-231-2007 |
Copyright © 2025 Calvary United Methodist Church - All Rights Reserved.