"Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
- Luke 18:16
Children are born with an innate sense of wonder and faith that is real and authentic. As teachers and leaders our role is to provide a foundation of experiences on which children build a life of learning and growth toward a mature and vital faith.
John Wesley was also committed to the education and formation of children, and traditionally, the United Methodist Church has provided a space for children to not only learn and grow, but to be an active part of the cmmunity.
In his sermons and actions, Wesley took up the cause of children’s issues, especially their intellectual and spiritual development. The Wesleyan movement inspired the development of health clinics and schools that accommodated children from all walks of life. Wesley personally visited children in workhouses and poor houses, and established Sunday schools, going against the popular writings of the time and actively participating in social justice issues that directly impacted children.
http://www.cosumc.org/clientimages/52258/childrens%20ministries.pdfSUNDAY SCHOOL (Currently on break for the summer) 10:00-10:45am | Presbytery (Across the street from Calvary) Calvary offers two Sunday School Classes: (1) ages 3-10, (2) ages 11-15. Please meet up in the chapel and everyone will walk across the street together. All children are invited to Sunday School where crafts and other experiences reinforce the attributes of the Christian journey and Calvary's family of faith.
CHILDREN'S SERMON During Sunday Morning Worship At Calvary we understand that at a very early age children need to be a part of God's family! Every Sunday our children are provided time during the worship service to interact with the pastor and hear first hand one of the faith lessons of the day.