The Community Greeting is a special tradition during Calvary's morning worship. Our "sign of peace" is a short greeting time when those attending the service share greetings to old and new friends as visitors are welcomed.
The Renewal Choir performs an anthem during worship between the months of September thru June. Special guest and choir musicians provide music year-round. The expanded Festival Choir is featured during Easter and other seasonal worship. Learn More
The Children's Message is a time for the children during worship. Children or those "young at heart" are invited to the front of the church after announcements. Here, the children receive a special lesson from the pastor and often a token or treat reminding them of the message. The time ends with a prayer between the pastor and the children. After this message, children three years thru sixth grade are invited to the Chapel for Sunday School.
Sunday School is held during worship following the Children's Message. Learn More
Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month. We practice open communion. You do not need to be a member of Calvary to participate. We use the form of intinction. You choose a piece of bread and dip it in the juice and consume the body and blood. Certain times of the year this format changes and directions are given at the individual services. You should always feel welcome at our table!
Fellowship Luncheon follows worship. Everyone is invited to a time of fellowship and a light lunch in our Fellowship Hall which is accessible by elevator or stairs. Our Feed the Sheep program invites congregants to sponsor and serve the refreshments during this favorite time at Calvary.
Steeler Sundays - Additional parking is provided on Steeler 1:00pm home game Sundays. Black and gold colors are welcome, as well as fans of the opposing team, at the closest house of worship to home turf. Learn More